Coco Bertin proved once again to the world on this day, February 16, 2023, that disability is a state of mind.

After obtaining a scholarship, this brave student of ICT University brilliantly defended his Master’s thesis on the theme “Social representations of actors and school inclusion of learners with special educational needs in Cameroon: the case of learners of the pilot inclusive public school of Nkolndongo” with an “almost perfect” mention.
It is the pride of the best digital university in Central Africa, whose performance is no longer in question.
About Coco Bertin
Coco Bertin is founder of the Club des Jeunes Aveugles Réhabilités du Cameroun (CJARC), an association that caters for the welfare of the visually impaired in Cameroon.

Coco Bertin is a Cameroonian national and was born in October 1966. He lost his sight at the age of 15.
In October 1984, he joined the Rehabilitation Institute for the Blind (RIB) in Buea where he graduated in 1986 with a certificate of training in English and French Braille, orientation and mobility, handicrafts, basketry, livestock and agriculture. During his training, he met Martin Luther who became his faithful companion and friend. At the end of their training in 1986, they both received an installation bonus. This donation facilitated the creation of the association of Young Rehabilitated Blind People of Yaoundé (COJARY) which will become the Club of Young Rehabilitated Blind People of Cameroon (CJARC) on August 4, 1988.
Passionate about music since his early childhood days , he produced three music albums: Cécité in 1999, Victoire in 2005 and Surprise in 2010.
In 2011, he published his first book ”A la poursuite d’un rêve” (In pursuit of a dream) at the Editions Clés de Yaoundé.
His drive for knowledge and research has been rewarded with numerous specialized training courses in Cameroon and France.
In order to improve the conditions of the learners integrated in the normal school system and to make proposals for improvement, he registered for and obtained his BEPC at the age of 49 years. But he did not stop there. Coco Bertin continued his studies and today holds a professional degree in Project Management and a Master’s degree in Economics with a project management option obtained in November 2022.
Coco Bertin is now the General Manager of CJARC. He has coordinated various projects in several areas: digital, environment, training, advocacy, sports and inclusive education.
Following the signing of a partnership agreement between CJARC and ICT University whose main purpose is to provide scholarships to visually impaired people, Coco Bertin will be one of the first beneficiaries of this scholarship in October 2021 and will start a master’s degree in Education at the ICT University.
Coco Bertin is now an undisputed role model for holistic rehabilitation for all people with disabilities. His expertise and contribution to inclusive development are recognized both in Cameroon and internationally.
Press Release