en +237 678 76 40 37 +237 678 76 40 37
en +237 678 76 40 37 +237 678 76 40 37


Bringing over years of combined research and grant writing experience, Professor Victor Mbarika (www.mbarika.com) and his team will conduct a Three-Day workshop on developing winning grants and writing quality academic research articles. This workshop will equip participants with knowledge of the various grant agencies and how to write and win millions in grants. Participants will learn about grant agencies, writing effective grant proposals and publishing in top tier journals.


Hands-On Workshop and Doctoral Consortium on Writing Quality Academic Research Articles and Developing Winning Grants to Support Higher Education Institutions, Other Education Institutions, NGOs and Other Governmental or Non-Governmental Bodies

The objective of the doctoral consortium is to help doctoral students, candidates and junior faculty achieve optimal result. It provides an opportunity to establish scholarly and professional linkages with colleagues. The consortium is for students that are in the Ph.D. program, although master’s level students and early career faculty may also benefit. The consortium provides a setting in which doctoral students and candidates can acquire requisite skills needed for a successful doctoral journey.

 Issues to be discussed includes but not limited to time management, finding a dissertation/thesis title, choosing a mentor and advisor, the academic profession; professional networking and choosing appropriate conference and journal. The consortium package includes seminars, video presentation, collaborative sessions, and informal interactions.

Why Undergraduate/Masters Research Symposium?

Participants will learn how to write winning proposals including:

 – The essential components of a grant proposal package.

– How to customize a proposal to match a grant maker’s interest.

– How to initially approach a funder.

  • Opportunity for Undergraduate and Masters Students to showcase their ideas and research.
  • It gives you an advantage when applying for scholarships or graduate school
  • The experience helps confirm if you're pursuing the right career path, or helps you discover a new career path you may not have considered before
  • It helps you get involved on campus and connected to your university
  • It provides an automatic introduction to peers from other institutions
  • The process develops real-world, transferable skills that you can use on the job, including advanced problem-solving skills and career-specific behaviors and activities
  • Connects you with a mentor
  • It presents the opportunity to study something you're passionate about

Who should attend:

University Management, students, employees from nonprofit organizations, chambers of commerce, education (private and public), public health, social work, as well as independent consultants.

When and where: JW MARRIOTT MARQUIS HOTEL DUBAI from December 7th to 9th 2022

Contact Workshop

We will respond within 24 hrs maximum
Email : globalconferences@ictuniversity.edu.cm
View brochure for more info.