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In Cameroon, Selma NDI Ekfvei and FRU Emmanuel, models of success of ICT University!

Selma NDI Ekfvei is a web developer, now founder of Data Girl technologies, an educational startup that empowers girls with digital skills.

“My ambition was to travel to the United States but when I had the cheaper version of the courses I could take here in Cameroon, it was easy for me to choose this option” namely theInformation and Communication Technologies University. “When I went there I expected the teacher to stand in front of me, tell me how to write dictates the notes to me, but when I got there it was really different, it was more about research it was more the mentoring of the teachers who help you ”confides the young entrepreneur.

She continues, “I remember when I was at ICT University my professors would take me to all those ICT conferences from developer groups, Google, I would watch how they did things, how they implement, the course was so fun for me, it was during this period that I decided to start coding, ”adds Selma NDI. According to her, at ICT University, your dreams are valid and there is mentorship. “Whatever you want to do, it’s not just about learning, it’s about how you use that knowledge to make impact,” concludes the Founder of Data Girl technologies.

FRU Emmanuel is the Co-founder and CEO of Electram Engineering. He graduated from Information and Communication Technologies University (ICT University) in 2018.

He was already determined to start his own business. “I remember having my first business on paper at ICT University during entrepreneurship classes. This is one of the things that made me think I must have my own business.

Today his business is useful for the country. “We supplied at least 25 district hospitals in the Eastern Region between 2019 and 2020,” he said. Moreover, he adds, “I have a digital agency that provides services to the University at the same time I am the coordinator of the ICT education program at the university. If I can help people get to where I am, that’s how I know I’ve been successful, ”he said.

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